Saturday, December 20, 2008


It's such a blessing to have our grandsons live so close, especially when special events occur. On Thursday Gpa Jim and I were able to go see Joel perform as a wiseman in his 4 year old preschool program at Isaac Newton Christian Academy. He doesn't look like he was experiencing stage fright at all!
The program was so cute. As the school principal narrated the Christmas story, each child had a chance to say a line or two at the appropriate time, for example, several different times during the story, the angel spoke "Do not be afraid!" I love how the kids are all doing such random things in the picture below.

We are proud of our sweet little wiseman!!


Unknown said...

soo cute!! i bet joel did a great job as a little wiseman. he sure made a good-looking one! :)

Roxanne said...

what cute pics! Yeah- go Joel!!! You look great!

Jorie said...

Thanks for coming to the program. It was so fun having you there, and I know it was special to him.