Friday, December 5, 2008

Homecoming and Pumpkin Pie

The day of homecoming finally arrived for little Claire on Tuesday, December 2 (her daddy's birthday!) following twelve days in the NICU. What a happy day that was - cold and wintry, but the Schumacher home was cozy and warm with a new baby sleeping by the Christmas tree. She was sent home along with a couple of 175 pound oxygen tanks which she needs to be hooked up to for awhile. Though the doctor said the oxygen will be needed for about two months, Annie and Justin are hoping and praying that Claire will do so well in her adjustment to home that she will be off of it much sooner. For now it is necessary to walk gingerly and carefully throughout the house to avoid cords and tubes that reach from room to room. Occasionally the monitor goes off, but it is usually caused only by an occasional shallow breath or two. Granpa Jim and I were able to finally bring Thanksgiving dinner to them. On Wednesday, December 3 we belatedly enjoyed turkey, stuffing, potatoes, cranberries, veggies, rolls, pumpkin pie and chocolate mousse cake. It was definitely worth waiting for. And our hearts were truly thankful as we held and admired our precious grand daughter.

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