Thursday, December 11, 2008

Settling In

I just spent three days staying at Annie and Justin's doing my "grandma thing" now that Claire is home. Annie and Justin are already so relaxed and confident with their new daughter. They seem to know what her different cries mean, know her eating schedule, and they tend to her so tenderly as new parents do. They marvel over every tiny sound and behavior their child displays. And they already see her changing daily. They noticed especially while I was there that she seems to be awake more each day, and is opening her eyes for longer periods. They are dealing as well as they can with the oxygen tubes and monitor, even though it makes things much more complicated. We are all praying that on Friday when she sees the doctor, they will say that she is strong enough now to breathe on her own. That would be such good news!

Since the kids were doing so well with Claire (about the only thing Annie really needed me for was to help with managing all of the tubes during bath time), I just spent my time cleaning, doing laundry, preparing meals, feeding and entertaining Sadie (their cat, who is feeling somewhat neglected), and cuddling Claire as much as possible. Annie and I also enjoyed chatting and marveling over the miracle of life and motherhood.


Cathleen Diane said...

It is so nice to check in with Annie, Justin and Claire through your grandma blog, Rhoda. I am slow at sending them my congratulations, it will come! I am so happy for them! Claire looks so sweet and you all appear so happy to welcome her into life.

Cathleen Diane said...

p.s. I'm not going by Cathleen Cody. I must have signed up as Cathleen Cody Lauer and the Lauer was too long for the computer to include!

Bibi Ronnie said...

So glad Claire is home safe. How lucky you are to have them all so close. I'm green with envy.:)