Friday, November 21, 2008

Blessed from Above

Yesterday was one of those days you just feel those blessings pouring down from God, and also enjoy his amazing planning. Our little granddaughter (Annie and Justin's expected child) was due December 24. Apart from those "oh, how perfect . . . a Christmas gift baby" thoughts and comments, our family had also discussed how "not fair" a 12-24 birthday is for the recipient. (Even Jorie, our oldest, whose birthday is December 11, has always wished her birthday was further set apart from the holidays.) And of late, Annie has been most miserable with water retention, swollen ankles, and then back pain from lying on her back to relieve the swollen ankles, etc. etc. Well, not to worry, our awesome God who has all things perfectly planned for us, revealed His plan yesterday and brought precious little Claire Grace Schumacher into the world. Her birthday is NOVEMBER 20!!! It is not even the same MONTH as Christmas!! Who would have even imagined. We are so thankful!! Annie had a difficult delivery, but came through with shining colors, and credited Justin as well with his skills as delivery coach. Though 5 weeks early, Claire weighed in at 5 pounds 15 ounces and was 18 3/4 inches long. She has a full head of dark hair, and of course is beautiful. She spent the first night in the NICU to monitor her for low blood sugar and blood pressure, but all of her other vitals look good. Our family is so blessed. A Thanksgiving baby is even more perfect than a Christmas one!


Roxanne said...

Yeah for the first pic of Baby shoe....Claire!! Welcome to the world little girl from your girly cousin Miss Annikah. PLus, we agree that November b-days rock :) CAn't wait to hear and see more pics!!

Shelly said...

Congratulations. That is very cool. Claire is beautiful. We prayed for her and for little Ethan and now they are both here safe and sound. God is good.