Friday, March 13, 2009

The Eye of the Beholder . . .

I have the sweetest grandsons. They always greet me with "Grandma!!" in a super-animated voice, and most times the greeting is accompanied by a kiss or hug. Even if it's only been a few hours or only one day in between times together, the greeting is equally exhuberant. They just seem to think I am wonderful, and of course, that's fine with me!

And they say the cutest things. I have to mention a quote from Joel said last Monday. He and Silas had spent a fun morning with me. When Jorie picked them up, and Joel (4 1/2) was on his way out the door, he said "Goodbye, my beauty!" Followed by, "You know why I said that Grandma? Because I think you're beautiful." Well, I'm sure that any beauty I may have once had is quite fleeting, but in the eyes of an innocent child, that meant the world to me.


Roxanne said...

Joel is THE SWEETEST...the girls better watch out!!!love that story!

Unknown said...

Joel IS the sweetest. I love how he just came up with that on his own. :)

E. Chloe Lauer said...

What a sweet story!